California Parrots

So much to update on. We got the African Grey he is very handsome. We named him Ozzy and he is coming along pretty well, still biting but getting better. Here he is:

We also added Cockatiels to the flock they are so sweet 13 weeks now and blending in well. They love to hang out with the kids and do so anytime they are home. Here they are.

Its warming up so the birds enjoy their outdoor time. Took some video of them.

We clipped his wings today and he is no pouting in his cage. I told him he looks good but he is mad he will no longer be able to fly around as he pleases. Will post pictures later!

A few days ago we brought in an TAG to our flock he is truly a special guy. He was injured as a baby and had surgery on his leg so it is now deformed but we love him just the same! We are thinking Ozzy is a good name for him. We have pictures and I will get them up soon. He has learned to dance and speak on cue.  He is so sweet.

MaiTai loved cuddling with me while I watched Decent 2 yesterday. It was not as good as the first one but still good and entertaining. We also watched The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus very odd movie. HE is so good during the movie so quite as long as no one tries to disturb him while he watches.  No pictures though 😦

Well no pictures or cute videos today he is being cranky! So he is currently sitting in his cage door open sulking. I am not sure what he is thinking, its quite and the kids are in school and he could be sun bathing down here but no he wants to sit and sulk in his cage.

On the up side I “think” he tried his Roudybush food today. If he doesnt show more of an interest by tomorrow I may put some fruit juice in it for him.  He loves fresh bannanas, and apples. Declines the Mango though. Well hopefully he is more up for something later or tomorrow.

I dont think I like the look of these but they are very interesting how they became to be. Here is a site they look odd to me but maybe because I am use to the wonderful grey African Grays.

Well he sure knows what he loves. He lover Youtube videos of other parrots. I snapped some pictures of him today loking on the net.

Here he is hanging out watching TV with the baby and I

He always takes time out of his day to get some loving!

Here is Mai Tai isnt he the most handsom Sun Conure you have ever seen?

Here he is when we brought him home. He just wanted to sit in his cage and watch everyone.

Here he is eating a Mango he loves dried friut!


Thought I would start a blog about my life with parrots here in California! I am the proud owner of a Sun Conure that is a joy to have around. I also am a full time mother. I am basically doing a blog to use as a journal of sorts.

  • None
  • Lynn: We enjoyed your blog. It looks like you have very nice set up for your birds and family. Mai Tai is beautiful. I look forward to talking with you. Lyn
  • caliparrots: we truly love him thanks for him!
  • chelsy: It warms my heart to see he has a wonderful home, lots of love and attention. Thank you for being such a good parents for him! I bet he is on clo
